Barasat, Kolkata – 700124

Trustplus Healthcare

                 We Get Your Health Needs Covered in India

How Trust Works

Trust Plus Healthcare
Make An Appointment
As facilitators, it is very crucial for us to understand each client’s individual challenges and medical history to guide them accordingly and effectively towards recovery and returning home safely. Serving as a solid bridge between patients and healthcare providers, we offer unwavering support on a regular basis. We operate as an extended family, ensuring patients’ well-being with a calm and reassuring presence, allowing them to focus on their journey to health and reunions with their loved ones.

Step-1. Assessment and Evaluate

The process begins with receiving and assessing patients’ diagnosis reports and doctors’ prescriptions and preferences and assembling a set of opinions from various specialists along with the cost.

Step- 2 Analysis and Decision-making

After gathering detailed information on your medical history and reports, we conduct thorough research to identify the most suitable hospital, doctor, or wellness center for your treatment. Our expert team analyzes the options and provides recommendations/suggestions tailored to your needs. Once we are done, we will immediately connect with you to decide on the best course of action, ensuring your involvement in the decision-making process every step of the way.

Step 3: Planning and Implement

Upon receiving your approval, we proceed to create a customized package and provide an approximate quotation based on your specific requirements, expectations, and budget. Once the hospital is finalized, we arrange an appointment and facilitate consultations with the chosen surgeon or therapist.